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water truck中文是什么意思

用"water truck"造句"water truck"怎么读"water truck" in a sentence


  • 多用途小艇
  • 水柜车
  • 运水车


  • But , hey , you know the water truck
  • The water truck was stranded
  • Here comes the water truck
  • As the minutes ticked by , and just as the local people were beginning to wonder what had happened to the old cow , a water truck arrived
  • One day , an old cow broke away from her halter and got into the middle of the only road in the desert , on which the water trucks had to pass
  • Authorities in chongqing municipality have sent water trucks into the most parched areas to provide water for residents and livestock hit by weeks without rain , xinhua news agency said
  • Our leading varieties include more than 100 types of trucks such as water truck , fecal sucktion truck , garbage truck , refuse compactor , sewage sucktion truck , fuel tank , high - altitude operation truck , truck with crane , dump truck , instructional truck , van truck , semi - trailer , fire engine , spares , refrigerator truck , water wagon , tractor , high - altitude water truck , bulk cement truck , chemical liquid truck , concrete mixer truck , ect . our company has solid technology , flawless inspection , advanced equipments , reliant quality and flexible modes of operation
    湖北程力公司技术力量雄厚,检测手段完备,拥有国内外先进的生产的设备,产品质量稳定,经营方式灵活,程力公司已率先全面通过iso9001 - 2000国际质量体系认证,产品全部通过3国际强制产品认证,并通过出口产品的各项认证。
用"water truck"造句  


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